Friday, August 15, 2008

That's the way, uh huh...uh huh...I like it, uh huh....uh huh!

So yeah....gotta love when you absolutely PIG out on treats all day long for a party in the evening and weigh yourself the next day thinking that you've gained a million pounds, and haven't!

I know I'm a dork, but I'm so excited! It's so nice to keep seeing progress in my weight loss. I can't remember how long ago I posted and I was 171 or 172, but it's looking like I'm hanging right around 167 now. I'll take it! Only 3 pounds to go to be back to where I when we came home from Germany and only 12 to go to reach my goal!

Oh and there's a pretty lousy photo of my brown gel toes also!


Anonymous said...

WTG! You are doing awesome. I know I will be too, once I get my mind back on track and stop stressing about finding a damn house! Love you.

Unknown said...

Good job Kristy! Don't you love to see that number go down??

Jen Gallacher said...

Way to go, Idaho!! You're doing so awesome. :)

Kristen said...

You are so stinking cute! I always get a kick out of your posts, and I even find myself lauging at them during the day. Congrats on the slimming down, you look great! Now if I could get some of your exercise motivation, that would be great, think good thoughts for me.

Becky T said...

Wooohooo! Gotta love that. I'm hoping for those same results because with family in town and sick kids, I have not been working out and we've been pigging out, so here's hoping the scale is nice to me today! Look at you go!