So yeah....gotta love when you absolutely PIG out on treats all day long for a party in the evening and weigh yourself the next day thinking that you've gained a million pounds, and haven't!
I know I'm a dork, but I'm so excited! It's so nice to keep seeing progress in my weight loss. I can't remember how long ago I posted and I was 171 or 172, but it's looking like I'm hanging right around 167 now. I'll take it! Only 3 pounds to go to be back to where I when we came home from Germany and only 12 to go to reach my goal!
Oh and there's a pretty lousy photo of my brown gel toes also!
WTG! You are doing awesome. I know I will be too, once I get my mind back on track and stop stressing about finding a damn house! Love you.
Good job Kristy! Don't you love to see that number go down??
Way to go, Idaho!! You're doing so awesome. :)
You are so stinking cute! I always get a kick out of your posts, and I even find myself lauging at them during the day. Congrats on the slimming down, you look great! Now if I could get some of your exercise motivation, that would be great, think good thoughts for me.
Wooohooo! Gotta love that. I'm hoping for those same results because with family in town and sick kids, I have not been working out and we've been pigging out, so here's hoping the scale is nice to me today! Look at you go!
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