Yup. I can't believe it's election time again. I know it's horrible but I'm sitting here contemplating if I even want to go and vote. I think I'd have to drive to my old neighborhood since I don't think we are registered here, and being as the only things that I'd truly care to voice my opinion over are local matters, I wouldn't be able to have that option in the old hood.
I'm also so pathetic in the fact that I am so un-educated about our choices for President. I guess being a resident of Utah I don't feel that it will make one lick of difference whether or not I go and vote since I don't think our state has ever won a democratic vote. Now I'm not saying that I'm a Democrat by any means, all I do know is from what I've seen of Sarah Palin, she should NOT be in office. (In my humble little opinion). The best was when she was questioned by a bunch of school kids about what the job of a Vice President is exactly and SHE COULDN'T GIVE A STRAIGHT ANSWER. Yup. Problems. So here's hoping that whomever makes it into the big office will at least have a clue as to what is is they are supposedly supposed to be doing. It will be interesting for sure. Scary in either way that it flows.....that's my opinion. Who knows. Maybe I'll go write in Sponge Bob for president. He seems like a happy fellow!
Anyhow, don't be scared! Take a peek at my cute Halloween peeps!
Can you believe my cute Maddi girl made her OWN Candy Corn costume? Not only that...she whipped this baby up the night before Halloween.
She's so funny. She's taking a sewing class at school right now and that is all she wants to do now. You should see the mountains of fabric we've got hanging around the house for PJ bottoms that she is making for all of her Lee cousins and some of her Dahl cousins for Halloween.
And you remember that Aaron was going to be Iron man? Well he changed his mind about 20 min. before we had to go to Tracey's work and decided to wear his Batman jammies instead. Funny boy.
I need to get the other kids dressed back up again so that I can get some better photos of them.
Well....happy voting! Vote for SpongeBob!
(The "other" people in this photo are my fun brother Rich and his kiddos that my kiddos just LOVE! I had to laugh that JM and Ethan happened to be the same Monkey!)
I love Maddi's homemade costume. She has lots of hidden talents.
Voting? I won't go there, I think I might go for a write in as well this year.
Thanks for posting the candy corn...I have been waiting to see it.
Very cute costumes of course. And don't even get me started on voting! ;) I am the single most ignorant person regarding politics I'm quite certain!
I love, love, love Maddi's costume. I too am a big fan of candy corn.
Hey! go vote.
We sure do miss you all. :-)
Great costumes & pictures!
I'll give you a great reason to vote. Go vote and keep wearing your "I voted" sticker. Then head on over to Krispy Kreme & Chick-Fila-A. They're giving away free donuts & chicken sandwiches to people who voted!
Great costume by Maddi - what a talented teen! I'm just a bit apprehensive about the presidential elections myself, and I'm not even American....
What a great costume and oh my is Aaron cute.
Hey, my vote is for CAKE! I've seen a button that says
Well, I choose cake with ice cream as a running mate.
Ugh. politics.
Halloween what a fun time of the year. I love to see what kids dress up as. They all look so great. I love Maddie's costume. I am proud of her for making it herself! She really has some sewing talent! I love the things she makes.
Thanks for pictures. I love getting pictures of the kids
I voted! But NOT for Sponge Bob, lol!
How crafty your girl is... that is one nifty candy corn get-up! Good for her! And Aaron, how cute is he! Nice Halloween pix!
Love the pics and think your outlook on who should be president hilarious!!! We have Patrick running our country, you know. Or may as well have, lol. Anyway, kiddies are adorable, that little baby is getting cuter as the days go on! Thinking of you girlie. xox
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